Feeling a bit “meh” as we cope with the ongoing demands and uncertainty of Covid-19? Then throw in shorter, colder and grey days of winter for good measure. Not to mention anything else challenging you’ve going on in your life right now! Our 28 day Mental Wellness Challenge may help support your mental health through daily proactive tasks to nurture your wellbeing. The power of small changes can be enormous and very effective, so read on to discover some easy and enjoyable ways to nurture your own mental wellbeing.

Feeling flat?
If you are feeling a bit flat currently, you’re not alone! Many people are telling us that their mental wellbeing has taken a hit lately, perhaps not too surprising as we grapple with so much change and uncertainty in our world right now. Addressing our mental wellbeing with some proactive and enjoyable activities can really turn things around. Simple yet small tasks that are done regularly and done well can add up to BIG changes in how we feel.
Nurture your Mental Wellbeing
We’ve put together this proactive 28 Day Mental Wellbeing Challenge, to help nurture your mental wellbeing. We’ve focused on proven strategies to support your mental health – from being mindful, to nourishing your body and connecting with those you care about. A nurturing task done each day for 4 weeks encourages you to prioritise your mental wellbeing. Give it a go and see how you get on!

Need additional support?
If you continue to feel down, or that you’re really not coping with what life is throwing at you, make sure you access some extra help. Your GP, EAP (Employee Assisted Programme) service at work (if you have one), family, friends, text 1737, or Lifeline (phone 0800543354) will all be able to help support you, or Sarah D is happy to have a consult to work out a mental wellness plan, personalised just for you. Send us an email and she can get in touch.